Spanish Dictionary

Translation of príncipe

el príncipe      the prince     

Pronunciation of príncipe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
En un conocido cuento de hadas, el sapo se convierte en un apuesto príncipe después de que la princesa lo besa.

In a well-known fairy tale, the ugly toad becomes a handsome prince after the princess kisses him.
Susan es una joven romántica que está segura de que su Príncipe Azul la está esperando en alguna parte. Susan is a romantic girl who is sure that her Prince Charming is waiting for her somewhere.
Los reyes estaban buscando una princesa para que se casara con su hijo el príncipe. The royal couple were looking for a princess to marry their son the prince.
el príncipe the prince

Only an independent observer would be able to judge nature, for example God. In this poem the independent power is the witch who cooks her soup of nature, she knows what ingredients she needs to add.
When we contacted you, our trainer was indeed for students only. We made some upgrades since then. Our site is now a vocabulary platform, because we support the creation of lessons by teachers and sharing.
Not worth mentioning. The next day we spent the entire day in the mall buying unuseful things, cheap Jeans of poor quality and again gifts for our friends. I remember buying swimming pants in the sports store.
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