Spanish Dictionary

Prometer in English

prometer      to promise     

Pronunciation of prometer    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El constructor prometió que la casa estará lista para ser habitada en dos semanas.

The constructor promised that the house will be ready to inhabit in two weeks.
Ella le prometió que iba a cuidar de su hijo mientras él estuviera ausente. She promised him that she would take care of his child while he was away.
prometer to promise

He wants to say that peace and brutality are very connected. In one line he is talking about the cleanness and in the next line he is talking about the witches' broth. How good is that, isn't it?
it was great talking to you. I am so happy that you are married. Here are our pictures. Please send me the pictures of you, your husband, the wedding and of course of your baby dog Vasco.
We woke up around one hour before arriving and got off the train once it arrived at its destination. We checked in for our last night in the same hotel very early in the morning after having coffee of course.
Do you know the meaning of? pretexto    precipitación    poniente    plantear    pico    permitir    penal    patito    pared    palidecer   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of prometer
prometo  prometes  promete  prometemos  prometéis  prometen  prometía  prometías  prometía  prometíamos  prometíais  prometían  prometí  prometiste  prometió  prometimos  prometisteis  prometieron  prometeré  prometerás  prometerá  prometeremos  prometeréis  prometerán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of promise   [ promised, promised ]