Spanish Dictionary

Translation of protagonista

la protagonista     the protagonist    

Pronunciation of protagonista    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
A medida que se desenrolla la trama, la protagonista se enamora del policía.

As the plot unwinds, the protagonist falls in love with the policeman.

So you see, the problem is pretty much psychological. It is not that I do not like it, it is rather a problem because I am always imagining what I am eating. I always try to think about the animal alive.
The other visitors in my group were from the United States, Canada, Germany and from other parts in Mexico. I need to say that it was so much fun to meet people and spend an entire trip with them.
The ship stopped in the middle of several limestone islands and passengers went swimming in the middle of the sea. There were dozens of other boats around us as the area was very touristy.
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