Spanish Dictionary

Translation of providencia

la providencia     the providence    

Pronunciation of providencia    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Tomó todas las providencias para el caso de que tenga que ser hospitalizado.

He took all the providences in case he has to be hospitalized.

I will built a function that will do all lowercase but meanwhile, I would be happy if it could be rewritten to lower case... Is it possible for you? They should all be lowercase, I did it inadvertently.
I think I have told you that I won't charge you for this kind of help. I looked at the sentences and I found them a little too long. They were good, but I understand why it took you so long and I think the point is too keep the shorter.
In school, we now are learning the grammar part, more specifically, the participles and so on. I understand it at all, but the conjugations, boy they are tough. A lot of patience is needed.
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