Spanish Dictionary

Translation of puesta

la puesta     the sunset    

Pronunciation of puesta    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El sacerdote llevaba puesta la faja púrpura de su rango.

The priest was wearing the purple sash of his rank.
Rose tiene puesta una rebeca azul. Rose is wearing a blue cardigan.
Llevaba puesta una mini tan corta que todo el mundo se volvía para mirarla. She was wearing a mini so short that everybody turned to watch her.
puesta del sol sunset

I did not want to give them any money so they became more aggresive and began holding my hand and said 'please, please' all the time. Finally I decided to give them some money but could not find the wallet.
The other visitors in my group were from the United States, Canada, Germany and from other parts in Mexico. I need to say that it was so much fun to meet people and spend an entire trip with them.
2 hours later we landed in Hanoi, today's capital. After picking up our bags we started to look for a room to sleep in. The information desk did not really help us so we relied on the Lonely Planet guide.
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