Spanish Dictionary

Translation of rectángulo

el rectángulo     the rectangle    

Pronunciation of rectángulo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
La diagonal de un cuadrado lo divide en dos triángulos rectángulos isósceles iguales.

The diagonal of a square divides it into two equal right isosceles triangles.
Los cuadrados y rectángulos son algunos ejemplos de paralelogramos. The squares and rectangles are some examples of parallelograms.
El profesor de matemáticas enseñó a los niños cómo calcular el área de un rectángulo. The math teacher taught the children how to calculate the area of a rectangle.

I grabbed a burger from an American fast food chain and swallowed it immediately, as I had not eaten for a while. I boarded the machine and could feel a slight stomachache but decided to ignore.
Right after desert it started to rain and it poured so that the entire camp got flooded. A few minutes later the electricity disappeared because of the water and we were sitting in the dark.
On the way back I visited a private beach resort. I just wanted to see whether I could get in and it was not a problem at all. The resort belonged to some club on the main land near Cancun.
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