Spanish Dictionary

Translation of seguridad

la seguridad      the safety     
la seguridad     the security    

Pronunciation of seguridad    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El ladrón se vio obligado a admitir su culpabilidad cuando le mostraron la película de seguridad.

The robber was forced to admit his guilt when he was shown the security film.
El Ministro del Interior habló sobre la seguridad en el país. The Minister of the Interior spoke about security in the country.
Abrochen sus cinturones de seguridad, por favor - dijo la azafata. Fasten your seatbelts, please - the stewardess said.
la seguridad safety-security
la seguridad security

The utopia from Germany is not very different from the Utopia of other countries. People want to be rich, free and happy. What is special in Switzerland is that people do not care about other nations.
I interpret this as follows: It reflects the calm life without any hectic atmosphere. The life that these two are looking for (like they did before) is far away: Far away, beyond the river.
I called the Hilton hotel in Cuba and asked them whether it was worth coming or if they suggest to postpone the arrival. Their response was clear: Don't come unless you really have too.
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