Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Las selvas tropicales tienen una enorme diversidad de animales y plantas. |
Rainforests have an enormous diversity of animals and plants. |
Los perezosos viven en las selvas tropicales de América del Sur. | Sloths live in the rainforests of South America. |
Levantaron una carpa en medio de la selva. | They put up a tent in the middle of the jungle. |

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Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
We arrived at the next hotel, which was only two blocks away, again deciding from the outside, that we would not sleep there. I questioned the short ride, because on the map the two places were far apart.
Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
We arrived at the next hotel, which was only two blocks away, again deciding from the outside, that we would not sleep there. I questioned the short ride, because on the map the two places were far apart.