Spanish Dictionary

Translation of abound in Spanish

to abound     abundar    

Translation by Vocabulix


At around two o'clock we arrived at the main attraction. It was the Angkor Wat itself. An amazing view captured our eyes when we entered the gates and saw this wonderful palace in front of us.
Banteay Srey was beautiful. It was a very small temple but it had a lot of detail in it. Simathay explained everything. He was truly a great tour guide and we were happy that we had met him.
Thanks a lot for the correction, they are very helpful and so are you in general. As I mentioned earlier I need more practice to write entire sentences in French and it takes a lot of time.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of abound   [ abounded, abounded ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of abundar
abundo  abundas  abunda  abundamos  abundáis  abundan  abundaba  abundabas  abundaba  abundábamos  abundabais  abundaban  abundé  abundaste  abundó  abundamos  abundasteis  abundaron  abundaré  abundarás  abundará  abundaremos  abundaréis  abundarán