Spanish Dictionary

Translation of agglomerate in Spanish

to agglomerate     acumular    ; aglomerarse    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
So many people agglomerated in the festival that it was impossible to see anything.

Se aglomeró tanta gente en el festival que era imposible ver nada.

Vivi, Sabina and I wanted to thank you very much for Sabina's gift! Thank you for the cool outfits that she is now wearing, all little boys are waiting in line lately. I wish you much happiness.
I hope that I will have time to go skiing. Maybe it is even better to go at the end of the season. The doctor, however, did not give his diagnosis yet. If I cannot go I will have to find an alternative.
How do you like comics? I have actually never read them, but for learning a new language it is a great way; but the language often is not too correct. But it has mostly more advantages than drawbacks.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of agglomerate   [ agglomerated, agglomerated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of acumular
acumulo  acumulas  acumula  acumulamos  acumuláis  acumulan  acumulaba  acumulabas  acumulaba  acumulábamos  acumulabais  acumulaban  acumulé  acumulaste  acumuló  acumulamos  acumulasteis  acumularon  acumularé  acumularás  acumulará  acumularemos  acumularéis  acumularán