Spanish Dictionary

Translation of although in Spanish

although      aunque     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It's paradoxical that, although people live longer, the ancient ways of growing crops are more valued today.

Es paradójico que, aunque la gente vive más, las formas antiguas de cultivo están más valoradas en la actualidad.
Although she had treated him badly, he talked to her affably. Aunque ella lo trató de mala manera, él le habló afablemente.
though; even though; although aunque
although; even if aunque

I am studying economics for my MA at University of California and I should stay in the US for about 4 years. My English is not good. But I want learn this language. You want learn German? yes I can teach you German. I wish you a nice day.
sorry i was not on skyoe. it was not working right. i will talk to you later. Just came back from the mountains. It was extremely cold and there was plenty of snow. But I loved it. Skiing is the best.
We left town and drove around the lake. Around 30 minutes after leaving we had a flat tire, which I changed immediately. That was very annoying as the rental company asked us to fix the flat tire.
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