Spanish Dictionary

Translation of anal in Spanish

anal     anal    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The anal stage of children is between one and two years old.

La etapa anal de los niños es entre uno y dos años de edad.

We would love to have you here as our guests! My niece Katja had also many diffculties with the new surroundings. She is really upset with this new change. How was your trip to Italy? I'll keep writing to you!
Usually in a place with a homegenous society hatred towards foreigners can grow much more easy as a small disturbance to the homogenity may upset the entire society. People are not used to changes.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.
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