Spanish Dictionary

Translation of atlantic in Spanish

the Atlantic     el Atlántico    
atlantic     atlantico    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
NATO is the acronym of 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

OTAN es la sigla de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte.
Christopher Columbus navigated for five weeks across the Atlantic Ocean before he saw land. Cristóbal Colón navegó durante cinco semanas a través del Océano Atlántico antes de ver tierra.
the atlantic el Atlantico

Let in rain again. I love listen to music on the weekend while it rains. When I used to live in Darmstadt I hated the rain, but since I live in Greece, I love it because it does not rain that often here.
I have not received your contact request at MSN yet, but I will look it up tonight. My user name is the same as it is here. What it your user name there, also the same as on this website?
I would also like to thank you for your interesting phone call on Friday 4 weeks ago. As you have proposed at that time, I will bring up a few ideas for possible cooperation in the future.
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