Spanish Dictionary

Translation of base in Spanish

to base     basar    
the base     el zócalo    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Our reasoning is based on this premise.

Nuestro razonamiento se basa en esta premisa.
Who is the officer in command of this base? ¿Quién es el oficial al mando de esta base?
They had to draw a graph based on the data given to them. Tenían que dibujar un diagrama en base a los datos que les dieron.
umbrella base el paragűero

We had never been so close to monkeys and they seemed to play with us. We threw bananas into the trees which were elegantly captured by these little monkeys. It was really funny and new to us.
We were not the only tourists, there were a many boats sailing on the same route. At one point the driver stopped the boat and immediately children of the village people approached us.
We left town and drove around the lake. Around 30 minutes after leaving we had a flat tire, which I changed immediately. That was very annoying as the rental company asked us to fix the flat tire.
People also searched for: blueprint    cabin    chef    commit    court    deli    draft    encourage    fabulous    flaw   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of base   [ based, based ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of basar
baso  basas  basa  basamos  basáis  basan  basaba  basabas  basaba  basábamos  basabais  basaban  basé  basaste  basó  basamos  basasteis  basaron  basaré  basarás  basará  basaremos  basaréis  basarán