Spanish Dictionary

Translation of behaviour in Spanish

the behaviour     la conducta    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
His behaviour is inappropriate.

Su comportamiento es inadecuado.
The teacher inflicted a punishment on the child for his bad behaviour in class. El profesor infligió un castigo al niño por su mal comportamiento en clase.
In retribution for his bad behaviour, the boy won't receive his monthly allowance. En castigo por su mal comportamiento, el chico no recibirá su mesada.

You're from USA right?! You are learning German too? Why? Do you want to go to Germany? I'm from Italy and I used to live in Portugal for a while. Now I'm learning in order not to forget everything I learned there. Are you working?
I bought some food also for the next day, where we planed a trip to the Angkor Wat. I returned to our room and picked up my fiance. Sammy was already waiting in the lobby for us.
The day after, we woke up late and enjoyed the nice breakfast of the Monarca Hotel. We planned the next leg of our trip at a local travel agent.
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