Spanish Dictionary

Translation of bodyguard in Spanish

the bodyguard     la guardaespaldas    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The artist has a bodyguard who goes with her everywhere because she fears being kidnapped.

La artista tiene un guardaespaldas que va con ella a todos lados porque tiene miedo de ser secuestrada.

At around two o'clock we arrived at the main attraction. It was the Angkor Wat itself. An amazing view captured our eyes when we entered the gates and saw this wonderful palace in front of us.
I bought some food also for the next day, where we planed a trip to the Angkor Wat. I returned to our room and picked up my fiance. Sammy was already waiting in the lobby for us.
Your Spanish is excellent, I can understand you very well. I have been learning English for almost 2 years. I have visited a language school and now I am learning in the Internet. See you soon.
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