Spanish Dictionary

Translation of bond in Spanish

the bond     el bono    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
These bonds are sold at par value.

Estos bonos se venden a la par.
This adhesive bonds metal, cardboard and cloth together. Con este adhesivo se pueden pegar metal, cartón y telas.

In the end we went up to the tower. We have never climbed so steep stairs ever before and once up we were really afraid to go down. There were no safety installation at this tower.
Oh great, i want to learn English with you. It am so happy that you will help me. Thank you lots and lots. Where do you live? I live in Switzerland, near the city of Basel. I'm a student of economics.
If we had more time, we would have stayed overnight in Aguas Calientes and visited Machu Picchu before 10 a.m. when the crowd (from Cusco) arrives.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of bond   [ bonded, bonded ]