Spanish Dictionary

Translation of broken in Spanish

broken     quebrado    ; roto    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The mechanic said that the axle of the car was broken.

El mecánico dijo que el eje del coche se rompió.
The bumper of his car was broken in the crash. El parachoques de su coche se rompió en el accidente.
He has broken his meniscus and needs to be operated on. Tiene roto el menisco y necesita ser operado.
to be broken; to break quebrarse
is broken está roto

She suddenly had to vomit and unfortunately she vomited on the new shoes of our friend and on her new Jeans. It was very embarrassing, especially because we were treated so well by this nice young man.
Did you receive my email? Are you going to call me back and help me? Would you be able to help me?? Please? Your English very is very well already. I will correct you if you make any spelling mistakes.
We had decided to fly to Lima (instead of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and to visit Machu Picchu just a few weeks before leaving Europe.
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