Spanish Dictionary

Translation of canvas in Spanish

the canvas     el lienzo    ; la lona    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He looked at the blank canvas for a while, and then started to paint.

Miró el lienzo en blanco por un rato, y luego empezó a pintar.
canvas la lona

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
The first thing he wanted to show us was a war memorial for Cambodia's civil war. The war has ended only few years earlier and was still very present in the mind of the entire population.
I guess it is a very interesting book, but I did not entirely understand it. What did the author try to say, what message did he want to deliver? Do you want that I recommend another book?
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