Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cease in Spanish

to cease     cesar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
His behavior never ceases to astonish me.

Su comportamiento nunca cesa de asombrarme.
to cease; to stop cesar

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
Just as we finished exploring the temple and were about to leave the big tourist buses arrived. We listened to a Cambodian song played by a group of handicapped musicians and left to see other sites.
There was no one on the street and we did not feel to comfortable. The first hotel we entered, was build from clay. We saw an elderly English couple just leaving their room. We went to the reception.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cease   [ ceased, ceased ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cesar
ceso  cesas  cesa  cesamos  cesáis  cesan  cesaba  cesabas  cesaba  cesábamos  cesabais  cesaban  cesé  cesaste  cesó  cesamos  cesasteis  cesaron  cesaré  cesarás  cesará  cesaremos  cesaréis  cesarán