Spanish Dictionary

Translation of chase in Spanish

to chase      perseguir     
the chase     la persecución    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The way they chased him it was a manhunt.

La forma que le persiguieron fue una cacería humana.
The police put a roadblock across the highway to stop the criminal they are chasing. La policía puso una barrera a través de la carretera para detener al criminal que están persiguiendo.
The police caught the killer after chasing him for two weeks. La policía capturó al asesino después de perseguirlo por dos semanas.

As I have learned English, French and Latin at school (ages ago) Spanish is quite easy to understand for me, but I'm afraid, my writing is not good either..... Wouldn't it be nice of you coming over to the USA?
Next week I will go with my girlfriend to our local market. There is a nice party there, similar to the "Oktoberfest" in Munich. There you can have party and we want to drink some beer and dance on the tables.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of chase   [ chased, chased ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of perseguir
persigo  persigues  persigue  perseguimos  perseguís  persiguen  perseguía  perseguías  perseguía  perseguíamos  perseguíais  perseguían  perseguí  perseguiste  persiguió  perseguimos  perseguisteis  persiguieron  perseguiré  perseguirás  perseguirá  perseguiremos  perseguiréis  perseguirán