Spanish Dictionary

Translation of clandestine in Spanish

clandestine     clandestino    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They produced illegal drugs in a clandestine laboratory.

Producían drogas ilegales en un laboratorio clandestino.
clandestine; hidden clandestino
clandestine, hidden clandestino

She suddenly had to vomit and unfortunately she vomited on the new shoes of our friend and on her new Jeans. It was very embarrassing, especially because we were treated so well by this nice young man.
I am learning Spanish in university but I also have to improve it for private reasons. Do you have any suggestions. It is giving me a hard time lately as it is difficult. I need to be very patient.
In the evening we stayed in our room, watching an old James Bond. On the second day, we went to the Bellavista neighborhood and ate at a Chinese restaurant, rice is supposed to be good against stomach pain...
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