Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cloud in Spanish

to cloud     nublar    
the cloud      la nube     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
There are some clouds, but it is not raining.

Hay algunas nubes, pero no está lloviendo.
The sun shines and there are no clouds in the sky. El sol brilla y no hay nubes en el cielo.

One hour later people were starting to leave and we did not exactly understand why. We took another drink and I paid the bar man cash. Later it turned out that the change he gave me would be fake money.
I work at an insurance company and the last 4 years i was employed there. So now, I am finishing with this job at end of the year. I got to find something new. Where in Italy are you from?
After an hour flight and 1000km further south, we landed in Calama. It was already 9pm and it was already dark. We still weren't at our final destination, but much much closer. We took a cab again to the city center.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cloud   [ clouded, clouded ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of nublar
nublo  nublas  nubla  nublamos  nubláis  nublan  nublaba  nublabas  nublaba  nublábamos  nublabais  nublaban  nublé  nublaste  nubló  nublamos  nublasteis  nublaron  nublaré  nublarás  nublará  nublaremos  nublaréis  nublarán