Spanish Dictionary

Translation of confirm in Spanish

to confirm      confirmar     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They denied confirming that they were engaged.

Se negaron a confirmar que estaban comprometidos.
to confirm confirmar

I was one time in Oxford. I'm studying social work in Austria. I'm living near Salzburg. It's in the middle of Austria. What are you doing in Oxford? Studying, teaching or working? Please stay in touch with me.
I am doing nothing at the moment, i am just watching TV... what kind of TV shows do you like? I'm sorry but i don't have Skype, but I guess we can still stay in touch like this, using the Vocabulix chat system.
Originally we planned to stay in Santiago for one day but due to her illness we prolonged our stay for two days. I walked around the city by myself, always staying close to the hotel.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of confirm   [ confirmed, confirmed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of confirmar
confirmo  confirmas  confirma  confirmamos  confirmáis  confirman  confirmaba  confirmabas  confirmaba  confirmábamos  confirmabais  confirmaban  confirmé  confirmaste  confirmó  confirmamos  confirmasteis  confirmaron  confirmaré  confirmarás  confirmará  confirmaremos  confirmaréis  confirmarán