Spanish Dictionary

Translation of consecrate in Spanish

to consecrate     consagrar    

Translation by Vocabulix


There were a lot of souvenir shops inside the palace which spoiled the atmosphere a little bit. Monkeys were also sitting around and begging for food. We took some close-up images of them.
Just as we finished exploring the temple and were about to leave the big tourist buses arrived. We listened to a Cambodian song played by a group of handicapped musicians and left to see other sites.
I just wrote an extremely long blog item but it took so long that I got logged out. I'm too lazy to write again or to write anything at all, so that I will postpone my blog entry to next week.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of consecrate   [ consecrated, consecrated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of consagrar
consagro  consagras  consagra  consagramos  consagráis  consagran  consagraba  consagrabas  consagraba  consagrábamos  consagrabais  consagraban  consagré  consagraste  consagró  consagramos  consagrasteis  consagraron  consagraré  consagrarás  consagrará  consagraremos  consagraréis  consagrarán