Spanish Dictionary

Translation of contract in Spanish

to contract     contraer    ; contratar    
the contract      el contrato     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong contract.

Se supone que el matrimonio es un contrato para toda la vida.
His job contract terminates on November 30. Su contrato finaliza el 30 de noviembre.
She contracted scabies when traveling around the world. Ella contrajo sarna al viajar alrededor del mundo.
to hire; contract contratar
to contract contraer
contract contraer

If you want we could keep an contact via email. Have a great day. I am playing piano but i do not play very well as i am learning with a piano teacher. If you give me a little info about your country, I'll be happy.
sorry i was not on skyoe. it was not working right. i will talk to you later. Just came back from the mountains. It was extremely cold and there was plenty of snow. But I loved it. Skiing is the best.
Originally we planned to stay in Santiago for one day but due to her illness we prolonged our stay for two days. I walked around the city by myself, always staying close to the hotel.
Lately viewed by others: daisy    dinner    egg    excellent    fifth    freedom    goodness    have dinner    humor    intuition   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of contract   [ contracted, contracted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of contraer
contraigo  contraes  contrae  contraemos  contraéis  contraen  contraía  contraías  contraía  contraíamos  contraíais  contraían  contraje  contrajiste  contrajo  contrajimos  contrajisteis  contrajeron  contraeré  contraerás  contraerá  contraeremos  contraeréis  contraerán 
Conjugation of contratar
contrato  contratas  contrata  contratamos  contratáis  contratan  contrataba  contratabas  contrataba  contratábamos  contratabais  contrataban  contraté  contrataste  contrató  contratamos  contratasteis  contrataron  contrataré  contratarás  contratará  contrataremos  contrataréis  contratarán