Spanish Dictionary

Translation of convert in Spanish

to convert     convertir    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
These hogs are destined to be converted into sausages.

Estos cerdos están destinados a convertirse en salchichas.
The Jesuits converted the South American indigenous to Catholicism. Los jesuitas convirtieron a los indígenas de América del Sur al catolicismo.

We agreed to stay in the room with no windows and unpacked our bags. We wanted to have dinner and went out to a Sushi restaurant a friend told us about. It was a great place with great atmosphere.
Just as we finished exploring the temple and were about to leave the big tourist buses arrived. We listened to a Cambodian song played by a group of handicapped musicians and left to see other sites.
I'm divorced and I have three children, two boys one girl. Last year we visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. We traveled all this states by car. Next year I wanna do the east coast.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of convert   [ converted, converted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of convertir
convierto  conviertes  convierte  convertimos  convertís  convierten  convertía  convertías  convertía  convertíamos  convertíais  convertían  convertí  convertiste  convirtió  convertimos  convertisteis  convirtieron  convertiré  convertirás  convertirá  convertiremos  convertiréis  convertirán