Spanish Dictionary

Translation of couple in Spanish

to couple     acoplar    
the couple     la pareja    
the couple     el par    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They were introduced as a couple.

Fueron presentados como pareja.
The couple went to the vicar to ask him to marry them. La pareja se dirigió al vicario para pedirle que los case.
The royal couple were looking for a princess to marry their son the prince. Los reyes estaban buscando una princesa para que se casara con su hijo el príncipe.
married couple matrimonio
to couple acoplar

Our main destination was not Cambodia and we had actually decided in the last minute to add this country to our trip. We were very happy about our decision and enjoyed every moment here.
But the fact that our driver took us there before showing us any of the attraction left quite an impression on us. He lost both of his parents in that war which explains why it was important to him.
I have another question to you: How old are you? You look very young on your picture. Your life sounds really interesting but I cannot imagine how it is to live there. Is it safe there?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of couple   [ coupled, coupled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of acoplar
acoplo  acoplas  acopla  acoplamos  acopláis  acoplan  acoplaba  acoplabas  acoplaba  acoplábamos  acoplabais  acoplaban  acoplé  acoplaste  acopló  acoplamos  acoplasteis  acoplaron  acoplaré  acoplarás  acoplará  acoplaremos  acoplaréis  acoplarán