Spanish Dictionary

Translation of criticize in Spanish

to criticize      criticar     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The South African policy of apartheid was criticized around the world.

La política de apartheid de Sudáfrica fue muy criticada en todo el mundo.

I am from Italy, but I studied in Frankfurt, in Germany. I am done with my bachelor degree. I am an Engineer since last June. where are you from? Which language do you want to practice? I will start studying next week.
Which language are you speaking? What do you do in your leisure time? Do you have any pets? I have a little dog named 'Wagner' and he is very cute. Funny name, isn't it? Email me back as soon as you can.
The type of exercise was new to me and I think it worked great. How are things in your country and in your city? Do you also have Thanksgiving holidays? I enjoy my free time at home with my kids.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of criticize   [ criticized, criticized ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of criticar
critico  criticas  critica  criticamos  criticáis  critican  criticaba  criticabas  criticaba  criticábamos  criticabais  criticaban  critiqué  criticaste  criticó  criticamos  criticasteis  criticaron  criticaré  criticarás  criticará  criticaremos  criticaréis  criticarán