Spanish Dictionary

Translation of crown in Spanish

to crown     coronar    
the crown     la copa    ; la corona    ; la coronilla    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She was chosen Beauty Queen and given a crown and a scepter.

Ella fue elegida Reina de la Belleza y le dieron una corona y un cetro.
The gems of Queen Elizabeth's crown are very valuable. Las gemas de corona de la reina Isabel son muy valiosas.
the crown la corona

Food was excellent, but unfortunately my wife could not eat it as it came with too much curry and she is sensitive to it. We were very tired and returned to the hotel around eleven o'clock.
i am student in Zurich. i think that you can learn Spanish quickly. I also registered just a month ago in order to practice some Spanish. i hope i will improve my Spanish soon at this website. We can do it together?
We hardly remembered that our day began at 7.30am 500 kilometers further north. It was now already 6pm and we were eager to board the plane in order to reduce the distance to our destination.
Lately viewed by others: destruction    each one    essay    favorite    forehead    glass    ham    honor    insect    knee   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of crown   [ crowned, crowned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of coronar
corono  coronas  corona  coronamos  coronáis  coronan  coronaba  coronabas  coronaba  coronábamos  coronabais  coronaban  coroné  coronaste  coronó  coronamos  coronasteis  coronaron  coronaré  coronarás  coronará  coronaremos  coronaréis  coronarán