Spanish Dictionary

Translation of depart in Spanish

to depart      partir     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The train will depart in twenty minutes.

El tren partirá en veinte minutos.

I was wondering if you can tell me if few words how to study here because I don't know that's why I'm not on line most of the time,thanks. Can you help me explaining me how to do the lessons, I still don't understand it
How much Spanish do you know ? My summer vacations were great. I was two weeks in Ibiza, it was unbelievable! We went to the beach and had a lot of party, every night. Now I am back in my little village near Bochum.
The next morning, we got up at 5, had breakfast and headed back to the same airport where we landed a few hours earlier. The 1 hour flight was packed with lots of tourists of all ages, mainly Americans.
Most common translations: driver    enjoy    familiar    flute    gentle    grudge    hike    incredible    karaoke    librarian   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of depart   [ departed, departed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of partir
parto  partes  parte  partimos  partís  parten  partía  partías  partía  partíamos  partíais  partían  partí  partiste  partió  partimos  partisteis  partieron  partiré  partirás  partirá  partiremos  partiréis  partirán