Spanish Dictionary

Translation of disfavor in Spanish

to disfavor     desfavorecer    

Translation by Vocabulix


Is there any specific reason you are learning Spanish? How is going? What sort of level are you? I live in London, England but I am originally from Mexico. when would you like to start practicing your Spanish?
The next temple was around forty five minutes away. Its name was Beng Melea. It was placed on a hugh area covered with trees and plans. The buildings of the temple were surrounded by nature.
The hill was not close to the village and we did not have a lot of water with us, so that we were happy when a Brazilian couple took us closer in their rented Jeep. We walked a little further.
Most common translations: divert    drag    dwell    eighteenth    employ    entrap    evaporate    expansion    facilitate    feasible   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of disfavor   [ disfavored, disfavored ]