Spanish Dictionary

Translation of disposable in Spanish

disposable     desechable    ; disponible    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Disposable diapers are very handy.

Los pañales desechables son muy prácticos.

Yes, as usual, if you don't see me on messenger just drop me an email. And yes, your sentence is almost perfect, but I would like you to refer to it as lower end... so maybe there are similar words to 'enrichment' and also you could use the negative form.
I am considering an additional project for our website, called 'the better option'. Basically it would be writing something about Spanish or English grammar. Would you be interested in participating? I met great people there.
There are great museums if you like art. The most important is the Van Gogh museum. There are good restaurants and bars in the center, it is very international. I hope we can stay in touch.
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