Spanish Dictionary

Translation of equal in Spanish

equal      igual     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
They receive equal salaries, though their duties are different.

Ellos reciben salarios iguales, aunque sus funciones son diferentes.
The diagonal of a square divides it into two equal right isosceles triangles. La diagonal de un cuadrado lo divide en dos triángulos rectángulos isósceles iguales.
The teacher told her students to divide the upper right quadrant of the circle into three equal parts. La maestra les dijo a sus alumnos que dividieran el cuadrante superior derecho del círculo en tres partes iguales.

Anyway you let me know...the rest of the days I will be busy with the course. I am Italian but I live in Wien, Austria. I have not heard back from you since I sent you a message. Do you still want to chat my friend?
I have studied at the faculty of Engineering. Just tell me about your difficulties and I'll try to help you. I would really like to help you with learning English. Kind regards and speak to you soon.
I did not feel well that night and we decided to stay in our room. My wife brought me fresh take away salad. We were exhausted from our day and watching a movie was the right thing to do.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of equal   [ equaled, equaled ]