Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
five hundred | quinientos |
Is there any specific reason you are learning Spanish? How is going? What sort of level are you? I live in London, England but I am originally from Mexico. when would you like to start practicing your Spanish?
Are you using any literature in your studies? You want to study Spanish? I can help you. Where do you life in England? I have visited London last year. It was very amazing. It was a great trip.
If you want we can exchange messages and emails in English and Spanish in order to improve and get some exercise. I think we should correct each other's messages. i need to practice otherwise I will forget everything.
Are you using any literature in your studies? You want to study Spanish? I can help you. Where do you life in England? I have visited London last year. It was very amazing. It was a great trip.
If you want we can exchange messages and emails in English and Spanish in order to improve and get some exercise. I think we should correct each other's messages. i need to practice otherwise I will forget everything.