Spanish Dictionary

Translation of fry in Spanish

to fry      freír     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Put the onions in an oiled pan and fry them lightly.

Ponga la cebolla en una sartén con aceite y fría ligeramente.
Put some chopped onions to fry in the skillet. Ponga un poco de cebolla picada a freír en la sartén.
I want a combo of a hamburger and French fries. Quiero un combo de hamburguesa y papas fritas.

When we got there we saw that the line was incredibly long and that we did not want to wait. Our friends from Holland were standing in the line, but we thought that we just try and ask the doorman.
you should try to go to the verb drills in the verb menu, they helped me a lot. I wasn't really motivated for it at the beginning but now I am motivated for everything. I am also interested in learning Russian.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of fry   [ fried, fried ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of freír
frío  fríes  fríe  freímos  freís  fríen  freía  freías  freía  freíamos  freíais  freían  freí  freíste  frió  freímos  freísteis  frieron  freiré  freirás  freirá  freiremos  freiréis  freirán