Spanish Dictionary
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Sample sentences: Edison was a genius who invented things that later became prime necessity items. |
Edison fue un genio que inventó cosas que más tarde se convirtieron en artículos de primera necesidad. |
As I have learned English, French and Latin at school (ages ago) Spanish is quite easy to understand for me, but I'm afraid, my writing is not good either..... Wouldn't it be nice of you coming over to the USA?
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
We arrived at the airport two hours prior to our flight with no seat guaranteed. As these are local flights, the counters open just 1 hour before take-off. The alternative root would be by bus.
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
We arrived at the airport two hours prior to our flight with no seat guaranteed. As these are local flights, the counters open just 1 hour before take-off. The alternative root would be by bus.
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