Spanish Dictionary

Translation of have to in Spanish

have to      deber     

Translation by Vocabulix


to have to; to owe deber
to have to tener que
have to haber de

Hi, I think it might be easier just to correct your letter here, and then I'll send you another email. I'm really sorry but I don't think you are old! What are you up to? Everything else is an individual decision...
The trip was coming to an end. We were driving to the airport knowing that we had to fly 12-hour to Spain, than a break in Spain for of around 6 hours and than the rest 4 hours, a total of 22 hours.
Nice to meet you. Your German is not bad at all, stop being so insecure. I have been learning Spanish for 3 weeks only. I am visiting a private Spanish teacher. It is very expensive but good.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of deber
debo  debes  debe  debemos  debéis  deben  debía  debías  debía  debíamos  debíais  debían  debí  debiste  debió  debimos  debisteis  debieron  deberé  deberás  deberá  deberemos  deberéis  deberán