Spanish Dictionary

Translation of hurl in Spanish

to hurl     arrojar    

Translation by Vocabulix


We spent the rest of our time, eating in good restaurants, shopping, walking around and going to bars at night. One night of these nights we went to eat dinner at the Palermo district.
There we only few tourist visiting this site and the entire setting of the jungle around all structures gave it a very adventurous feeling. Roots of trees were actually covering the walls of the buildings
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hurl   [ hurled, hurled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of arrojar
arrojo  arrojas  arroja  arrojamos  arrojáis  arrojan  arrojaba  arrojabas  arrojaba  arrojábamos  arrojabais  arrojaban  arrojé  arrojaste  arrojó  arrojamos  arrojasteis  arrojaron  arrojaré  arrojarás  arrojará  arrojaremos  arrojaréis  arrojarán