Spanish Dictionary

Are you a man or a woman? You have no picture in your profile, and I do not know whether the user name loli2938 belongs to a man or a woman, but actually it does not matter to me. I am here for the Spanish.
How is the weather in Hamburg? We have 15 degrees and some sunshine here in the south. I have some remarks on your mail. If you write again and if you wish, I can correct your spelling mistakes.
I've tried to learn Spanish with this site and it worked well. Do you currently attend a course? I used to attend a language school, but for now I'm too busy. Incredible how fast one forgets the language.
How is the weather in Hamburg? We have 15 degrees and some sunshine here in the south. I have some remarks on your mail. If you write again and if you wish, I can correct your spelling mistakes.
I've tried to learn Spanish with this site and it worked well. Do you currently attend a course? I used to attend a language school, but for now I'm too busy. Incredible how fast one forgets the language.
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