Spanish Dictionary

Translation of jam in Spanish

to jam     bloquear    
the jam     el atasco    ; la mermelada    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I am having scones with butter and jam.

Estoy comiendo bollos con mantequilla y mermelada.
I bought a jar of raspberry jam. Compré un tarro de mermelada de frambuesa.
I have bought a jar of sugarless apricot jam. Compré un frasco de mermelada de damasco sin azúcar.
jam la marmellada(1)
traffic jam atasco

However I must say that if one is not very interested in archaeology or in architecture a two days visit would be enough. Unfortunately we had only one more day in this beautiful country.
We joined the mass and climbed it. The stones were a little slippery and I doubt that this place is accident free. Climbing big slippery stones was not an easy task but we managed it slowly.
My daughter is 12 years old and my son is 6. They are both in school. It is so beautiful to see them grow up, but time passes too fast. I wish you also a lot of happiness. Best wishes form Austria.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of jam   [ jammed, jammed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of bloquear
bloqueo  bloqueas  bloquea  bloqueamos  bloqueáis  bloquean  bloqueaba  bloqueabas  bloqueaba  bloqueábamos  bloqueabais  bloqueaban  bloqueé  bloqueaste  bloqueó  bloqueamos  bloqueasteis  bloquearon  bloquearé  bloquearás  bloqueará  bloquearemos  bloquearéis  bloquearán