Spanish Dictionary

Translation of joint in Spanish

the joint     el porro    ; la junta    ; la juntura    
joint     común    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
You should oil the joints of this machine more often.

Debe lubricar las juntas de la máquina con más frecuencia.
joint conjunto

This site was one of the country's most famous places as Tomb Rider with Angelina Jolie was filmed there. It was built like a pyramid with many stairs and little towers. The place was called Angkor Thom.
They were floating in self made tubs and rowed with sticks. When they reached our boat they tried to sell us beverage. We vigorously denied them access to our boat. It just did not help.
During my summer vacation I want to go to Italy for a month. I already look forward to it. I hope that our communication is helping you and I would be pleased about continuing writing mails.
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