Spanish Dictionary

Translation of journalist in Spanish

the journalist      el periodista     
the journalist     la periodista    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The Police spokesperson informed the journalists about the search.

El portavoz de la policía informó a los periodistas acerca de la búsqueda.
The newspaper editor rejected the note by the new journalist. El editor del periódico rechazó la nota del nuevo periodista.
The journalist turned on the recorder to record what the veteran politician had to say on the issue. El periodista encendió la grabadora para grabar lo que el veterano político tenía que decir sobre el tema.
journalist el/la periodista
journalist periodista

I've got a question. What is a woodpecker? I learn English without teacher and without conversation. I think you should look on the bright side. See what do you already know and to be proud of.
A year later we decided to make another trip. We have both been to Mexico and to Cuba, and the year before we were in South America, where we have visited several countries for five weeks.
Spain seems do be doing much better since the 1970. It is completely democratic now. At work I have a lot of meetings with International companies and therefore I want to know many languages.
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