Spanish Dictionary

Translation of latch in Spanish

the latch     el pestillo    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I can't open the door because the latch has broken.

No puedo abrir la puerta porque se rompió el pestillo.
the bolt; the latch el cerrojo

At noon we drove back to the tiny airport near the city and a few moments later we were already in the skies. The flight to Saigon, today's name Ho Chi Minh city, lasted more or less one hour.
We drank our heroically acquired beverage and left the farm heading back to the port. Back at the port we returned to our cab and drove to the hotel. We were simply too tired and needed to rest a little.
The view from the top was amazing. One could see the hugh lakes and the surrounding mountains, which were still covered in snow. The landscape was really fantastic and blue skies added to its beauty.
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