Spanish Dictionary

Translation of loathe in Spanish

to loathe     detestar    

Translation by Vocabulix


We felt a little dumb and waited for the hot water. The boiler seemed not to work and we started to become upset. We asked the technician to come once again and he admitted his mistake.
When we arrived at the port, or whatever it was, we were a little scared since the boats were very old and dirty. We entered the boats anyway and hoped for best. The boat driver started the engine.
We decided to make a one day trip to Bolivia, which turned out to be the correct decision. Instead of driving all the way up to the Salar de Uyuni, we stayed close to Chile and visited the area of the lagoons.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of loathe   [ loathed, loathed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of detestar
detesto  detestas  detesta  detestamos  detestáis  detestan  detestaba  detestabas  detestaba  detestábamos  detestabais  detestaban  detesté  detestaste  detestó  detestamos  detestasteis  detestaron  detestaré  detestarás  detestará  detestaremos  detestaréis  detestarán