Spanish Dictionary

Translation of loss in Spanish

the loss      la pérdida     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Shampoos with nettle are said to fight hair loss.

Se dice que los champúes con ortiga combaten la caída del cabello.
Their loss, when their business went bankrupt, was of several million dollars. La pérdida que sufrieron cuando su negocio quebró fue de varios millones de dólares.
She tried to console her daughter for the loss of her doll. Ella trató de consolar a su hija por la pérdida de su muñeca.
loss péerdida

Next winter I'm going to Spain, where i hope to study Spanish. It's easy to visit Germany. Munich is a big city in Bayern...It's a nice city. Lot's of restaurants, nice buildings, a lake nearby and really friendly people.
This site is a good website for me, because I don't know many people to talk to in English. But I am at the beginning of my way, since I am mother of two and I do not have enough time to practice.
The biggest city in Germany is Berlin. The other big cities are not as big but some of them are really nice. And especially the smaller cities here are very charming and worth visiting.
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