Spanish Dictionary

Translation of mantle in Spanish

to mantle     cubrir    
the mantle     el manto    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She is wearing a hand-knitted mantle.

Ella tiene puesto un manto tejido a mano.

I bought the ticket very quickly and ran to the gate. A stewardess was waiting for me and waved. She shouted that I should hurry up. I ran as fast as I could and entered the gate leading to the plane.
I would also need to know whether pricing can be different, because otherwise that amount would be too high. Some of the translations are not accurate at all and would also need corrections so that the dictionary displays only correct words.
I live in Lörrach, a small town on the border of Switzerland, about 10 minutes drive from Basel and 50 km southeast of Freiburg. Where do you live? I would be happy if you would write back to me.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cubrir
cubro  cubres  cubre  cubrimos  cubrís  cubren  cubría  cubrías  cubría  cubríamos  cubríais  cubrían  cubrí  cubriste  cubrió  cubrimos  cubristeis  cubrieron  cubriré  cubrirás  cubrirá  cubriremos  cubriréis  cubrirán