Spanish Dictionary

Translation of maroon in Spanish

to maroon     abandonar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Robinson Crusoe was marooned on an island.

Robinson Crusoe fue abandonado en una isla.

That was really cool. I flew from Koppenhagen to Thailand and did not know until take off where I wanted to go from Bangkok. We left Germany after midnight. I was really excited to go to a new place.
If I look at dictionaries they do not give long sentences, only specific words and their meaning when they are used in a compounded form, which by the way can mean something totally different than when used by themselves.
Learning a new language is never easy, especially the first foreign language. Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult for me as well. But the vocabulary exercises here are really good.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of abandonar
abandono  abandonas  abandona  abandonamos  abandonáis  abandonan  abandonaba  abandonabas  abandonaba  abandonábamos  abandonabais  abandonaban  abandoné  abandonaste  abandonó  abandonamos  abandonasteis  abandonaron  abandonaré  abandonarás  abandonará  abandonaremos  abandonaréis  abandonarán