Spanish Dictionary

Translation of mishap in Spanish

the mishap     la desgracia    ; el accidente    ; el desastre    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Fortunately, there were no mishaps during the trip.

Afortunadamente, no hubo ningún percance durante el viaje.

I would like to know if Jack is interested to join us as well. Shared learning is called Tandem. I'm coming in 2 days to Spain. I will pay for the study costs of my daughter, and I assume all other costs as well.
I would also need to know whether pricing can be different, because otherwise that amount would be too high. Some of the translations are not accurate at all and would also need corrections so that the dictionary displays only correct words.
I am in my German lesson and I'm learning about the subjunctive. I had never heard about it before. Can you ever deal with all Verb conjugations? I just totally misunderstand the past tense!
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