Spanish Dictionary

Translation of mumble in Spanish

to mumble     mascullar    

Translation by Vocabulix


I'm looking to move to Spain in the summer and hoping to visit my friend in Barcelona before then so I was hoping to have the basics done by then. I've always wanted to learn another language, but we are not pushed enough in the US.
We stayed in this place for quite a while as it was the most spectacular place we have visited so far. It was unbelievable how much thought was put into construction of these magnificent sites.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mumble   [ mumbled, mumbled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of mascullar
mascullo  mascullas  masculla  mascullamos  masculláis  mascullan  mascullaba  mascullabas  mascullaba  mascullábamos  mascullabais  mascullaban  mascullé  mascullaste  masculló  mascullamos  mascullasteis  mascullaron  mascullaré  mascullarás  mascullará  mascullaremos  mascullaréis  mascullarán